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Ownership of FWB Park Brown is extended
1 October 2017
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Explaining the background to the decision Scott Black said “Every good business plans for the future and broadening the ownership of FWB Park Brown has been part of our own planning for some time. Whilst we’ve had various approaches to sell the company, for one reason or another none of them felt right. Alongside this we have been exploring various ways in which we could widen the ownership of the business as our excellent team have worked hard and are certainly deserving of the opportunity. We are therefore all delighted with the outcome as it creates both a reward and an incentive – and this move definitely does feel like the right one.”
We all enjoy what we do and are immensely proud of the business and extending the ownership will further strengthen the bond across the team as we all work together to build upon what’s been achieved to date. We are delighted therefore that our colleagues Ailsa Sutherland, Adam Brown, Alix Meekison, Graham Burns and David Flanagan in Edinburgh, John Cameron in Aberdeen and Mary McIntyre in Houston are all now shareholders in the company. Whilst it is a significant step we see it sitting alongside other initiatives, such as ensuring we have a diverse and balanced leadership team, strengths at each level throughout the company as well as promoting flexible working.”
“What we are trying to do is ‘walk the talk’ by implementing some of our own ideas and benefitting from the good practice we see elsewhere and most importantly continuing to push forward the development of the company …”