Social Bite Sleep in the Park 2018

  • FWB News

A team from FWB Park Brown; Graham, Michael, Jess and Sophie, braved the cold on Saturday 8th December to take part in the Social Bite “Sleep In The Park” in Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh. The event raises essential funds to help people get off the streets, in an effort to end homelessness. It also serves as a political message, bringing homelessness to the forefront, informing the government that it is a major issue in Scotland and that more needs to be done to end it.

Having set up camp (a sleeping bag protected by an emergency survival bag) the group went to the main stage area to enjoy the evening entertainment. Throughout the event, compered by comedian Fred MacAulay, there were brilliant performances by lots of Scottish acts including the memorable Lulu, Katy Tunstall and Amy MacDonald. A final treat before the task in hand was a bedtime story read by Irvine Welsh, the Scottish writer responsible for novels such as the infamous Trainspotting.

Josh Littlejohn and Alice Thompson, Social Bite founders, were also at the event to explain the journey they and the beneficiaries of all of Social Bite’s great work have been on. They also went on to tell us what the money raised is used for and how this movement has really begun to drive change in hearts, minds and more importantly lives.

The Housing First Project is one of the main uses of the money raised, which helps to get people off the street and into mainstream housing as well as providing wraparound support, including help for addiction and mental health, as well as trying to help them get into employment and ultimately sustain their tenancies.

At the event, it was announced an amazing £3.2m had been raised so far, and with fundraising open until Christmas Eve the FWB Park Brown total is sitting at a little over £3,000. It was a well organised event, and a humbling experience for all of the team, which really put into perspective what those without stable homes have to endure on a daily basis. Once again, we are delighted to have supported Social Bite and the people of Scotland as they drive awareness and change in such an important social challenge and cause.

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