Executive Women’s Leadership Programme 2017

  • Leadership Development
This interactive, high level programme is for women aiming to move up to senior management level as the next stage in their career. Each session will be led by specialists in the subject matter from the University of Edinburgh Business School’s senior management team and the level of teaching is Executive MBA and above. Guest speakers at each session include leading Chairmen and CEOs from business who lead an interactive discussion on different aspects of senior management.

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Delegates from the inaugural programme of 2016 said “The Women’s Leadership Development Programme has been a life changing experience for me…….The balance of teaching sessions on valuable topics partnered with world class guest speakers was an excellent blend and made for a good pace at the sessions.”

“Part-way through this program I was promoted into a role that I would never have put myself forward for 6 months prior to starting.  The exceptional speakers and faculty members from the business school telling their own professional and personal journeys has not only been inspiring but very relevant to a lot of the daily challenges we face in work and life.”

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The programme runs from late May to early December 2017 with a break in July and August.

Delegate numbers are limited to ensure strong interactive learning and discussion.

For more information/to request a full programme/to reserve a place – contact Judy Wagner, Director, FWB Park Brown judy@fwbparkbrown.com

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