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Annual HR Leadership Dinner
22 November 2017
- FWB News
Alix Meekison recently hosted the FWB Park Brown Annual HR Leadership Dinner. Over 100 of the top HR Leaders in Scotland gathered in the Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa Edinburgh to hear Tor Farquhar, Global HRD of Tata Steel. Tor encouraged the room to think deeper about the people issues in their businesses and challenged them to think bigger in an increasingly dynamic and competitive world.
Sandy Begbie of Standard Life Aberdeen launched the Scottish HR Leadership Group of which he is Chair and introduced its board:
- Carol Henry, Arnold Clark
- Jacinta Stewart, Barclays
- Jacqui Mallin, Tesco Bank
- Jane Brydon, Heineken UK Ltd
- John Evans, Student Loans Company
- John Stewart, SSE Plc
- Kate Guthrie, CYBG
- Lynne Burns, RBS
- Rosemary McGinness, Weir Group
- Ruth Chandler, Skyscanner
- Shirley Campbell, Scottish Water
- Susan Murphy, The University of Edinburgh
- Alix Meekison, FWB Park Brown (Secretary to the Board)
Further information on the group can be received by contacting
Almost £3000 was raised for the allowing almost 200 children in Bukati Primary School, Kenya to take their first step to school.
To make a donation or for further information please contact