Entrepreneurial Evening with Beer Tasting and Canapes at West Brewery

  • FWB News

FWB Park Brown are delighted to have held our most recent Entrepreneurial Journey event at the wonderful WEST Brewery last night.

Along with our co-hosts at EY, we were warmly welcomed by WEST’s entrepreneurial and motivationally infectious Gerwegian Founder, Petra Wetzel.

Having held a virtual beer tasting with Petra at the height of the pandemic, we were delighted when she kindly offered to host us in person in their beautiful Brewpub HQ in the Templeton Building on the edge of Glasgow Green, famously inspired by Venice Doge’s Palace.

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Petra recently stepped down from day-to-day leadership of the business to focus on other ventures including riding motorcycles, spending more time with her son and working on her angel investment portfolio with a real focus on supporting women in business and ensuring younger people in Scotland reach their potential.

On the night, Petra led a group of 30 entrepreneurs and senior leaders through a hugely interactive beer tasting and very candid, humble and fiercely entertaining run through of her entrepreneurial journey so far.

Thanks to Petra we also raised crucial funds on the evening for Siobhan’s Trust: https://siobhanstrust.uk/

Siobhan’s Trust are working with David Fox-Pitt MBE who in his career has raised more than £40million for a wide range of charities. His team, with all of their events equipment from his Wildfox Events business are currently working with the UN on the Ukrainian side of the Polish/Ukraine border to aid and feed refugees taking shelter within Poland. David and his team have been working with ‘Poland Welcomes’ who are housing 500 refugees a month and Siobhan’s Trust and David’s team have been supporting with the logistics and monthly food bill supplying them with fresh fruit and veg, blankets and a wide range of other essential items. They are also in touch with a number of orphanages in Ukraine and finding ways to help them as the on-going humanitarian crisis continues.

Given her own philanthropic values as well as the very real connections the beer industry sees to Ukraine as one of the world’s top barley and wheat producers, Petra kindly offered her time and opened her event space to us to help us raise much needed funds on the night. There were many ‘lager that shall not be named’ drinkers in the room and it’s fair to say that both Petra and her wonderful products won many, if not them all, over – including our own and usually stubborn Graham who found himself quite partial to the Munich Red and Michael who opted for the traditional Bavarian style Heidi Weisse!

We cannot thank Petra, our co-hosts EY or our guests enough for their time, energy and most importantly ongoing support and friendship as we all emerge from what has been a turbulent time for many of us and would recommend Petra and her business to anyone looking to host a similarly inspiring and enjoyable event for their business or friends going forward!

Alongside many of the entrepreneurs two of our guests last night were joining us from the Award-winning Scottish Ballet and we are very much looking forward to supporting them next week as we join their Chair Jim Pettigrew for what is sure to be another engaging discussion and memorable evening at the Glasgow Tramway.

For more information on our events programme, attending our events or working with us please contact Sophie Moteau our Programme & Events Lead on 0131-539-7087.

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