FWB Park Brown Leadership Dinner 2018

  • FWB News

The 2018 FWB Park Brown Leadership Dinner was held at The Waldorf Astoria in Edinburgh on 31st May. The guests – over 120 Chairs, Chief Executives, Non-Executives, Senior Directors and Advisers from many of Scotland’s leading companies across all sectors enjoyed an insightful and thought provoking address from Helen Page, Group Innovation and Marketing Director at CYBG plc. Helen described the Bank’s journey from a traditional established pillar of Scotland’s Banking history through ownership by a major Australian financial institution and subsequent flotation, a major financial global crisis and resulting increased regulation, to a customer focused Open Banking provider using proprietary technology to access accounts in one mobile banking app.

This stimulating address led to focused discussions over dinner when guests engaged in lively, entertaining and robust debate on a number of challenging topics covering Strategy & Skills required in a Digital world and how prepared their workforces are for this future;  Culture & Change/Transformation – is the right culture in place to take advantage of these developments and does the workforce reflect a fast-changing environment?;   How they are approaching the potential for Disruption in their industry, and how you embed a culture of Innovation in large organisations with strong legacy cultures.

At a time when a recent report commented that less than half of UK executives believe they have the skills and abilities to lead in the digital economy, and technological advances such as AI and robotics are already disrupting almost every industry, these issues are being tackled by all leaders across the economy. Today, more than ever before, leaders must be agile amid disruption in such a fast changing world – in fact 65% of children entering primary school today will end up working in jobs that don’t yet exist.

The address and subsequent discussions provided challenge, thought and advice to all those present, and many new relationships were formed and old ones renewed.

For more information on FWB Park Brown’s Thought Leadership Dinners contact enquiries@fwbparkbrown.com

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