Scottish HR Leadership Group supported by FWB Park Brown in conversation with Erin Brockovich


“stick-to-itiveness” – what Erin Brockovich’s Mom taught her.

On Monday 10th of January, the Scottish HR Leadership Group (in conjunction with Executive Search specialists FWB Park Brown) welcomed Erin Brockovich, environmental advocate to speak at their Christmas Masterclass to belatedly conclude the masterclass series for 2021 – it wouldn’t be 2021 without a slight reschedule! This series of HR focused and workplace behaviour masterclasses is attended by many of Scotland’s senior HR leaders and their teams.

The masterclass saw Erin Brockovich talk openly to Alix Meekison around a number of topical subjects including Climate, Cop26, American Politics, Organisational culture and of course the film, where Julia Roberts starred in the Oscar-winning tour de force, Erin Brockovich. The film turned an unknown legal researcher into a 20th century icon by showcasing how her dogged persistence was the impelling force behind the largest medical settlement lawsuit in history.

We are delighted to be able to share this masterclass with you where Erin discussed that she learned of the power of observation and going to nature as an outlet from childhood and that has never left her. An early life lesson from her Mom, who taught her to pick yourself up by your boot straps and use your stick-to-itiveness. A term that she believed her Mom had made up, but it is a word and a mantra that Erin is used throughout her successful life.

Erin shares how that famous Hinkley investigation was born from her inner stick-to-itiveness and belief that what that community had faced – there was something so wrong with that environment, and she had to get to the bottom of it. High heels covered in mud was the least of her worries.

From the start of the masterclass, the questions  were flooding in and she openly shared her view on the Environmental Bill and whether Biden will get that through or not. Her opinion on the power of community and one person being able to start a movement. All questions returned to the importance of water, environment and the power of listening and re-strategising when things don’t go your way first time.

The masterclass was kindly closed by Gill Scott, HR Director at Aegon with Erin remarking that she could happily continue for longer and hopes to visit Scotland soon, we do very much hope that is the case.

Alix Meekison concluded the evening with a Greek quote “You cannot step into the same river twice, for other waters are continually flowing on” Remarking, what if we could make it our mantra for the year 2022?  To accept that everything is in a constant flow and to feel ok with that? Maybe it would help us to take our life step by step, day by day, moment by moment…

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The charity partner for this SHRLG Masterclass session was SeeScape, to learn more about the work they do please visit their website

The series of masterclasses ran from March through to June 2021.  For further details on the Masterclass series, please download the full Masterclass Series brochure. For more information on the Scottish HR Leadership Group please contact Alix Meekison on

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